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Society of Saddlers


Winners at the Society of Master Saddlers National Saddlery Competition

Nutwell Saddlery team members attended the Society of Master Saddlers National Saddlery competition held yesterday at the Saddlers Hall in London. The only national competition held for the saddlery industry, which is attended by many worldwide.

We are very proud to announce that our team members Rachel Lok and Janet Legg walked away with several placements throughout the competition. Together theywon the joint class of ‘Master & Apprentice’ where Rachel made a beautiful headcollar and Janet made the matching lead rein.

Rachel also went on to win the Saddlers Company, City &Guilds Lion Award and the Les Coker trophy for the best entry by a millennium saddlery apprentice, as well as third place in the Intermediate Bridle class for her rolled reins.

I’m sure you will all agree this is a great achievement for Rachel in such a prestigious competition for the saddlery industry.


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